Books of the Bible

The Book of Ezra

What is the book of Ezra about?

The Book of Ezra is a book in the Old Testament of the Bible, which tells the story of the return of the Jews to their homeland of Jerusalem after being exiled to Babylon for 70 years. The book is divided into two parts: the first part, written in the Hebrew language, covers the period from 538 to 458 BC and describes the decree of the Persian King Cyrus allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. The second part, written in the Aramaic language, covers the period from 458 to 445 BC and tells the story of the rebuilding of the temple, the establishment of the Jewish community in Jerusalem, and the efforts of Ezra, the Jewish priest, and scribe, to reform the community.

The main themes of the book are the rebuilding of the temple and the restoration of the Jewish community in Jerusalem. The Jews had been exiled to Babylon for 70 years after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC, and the return of the Jews to their homeland was seen as a significant event in Jewish history. The rebuilding of the temple was a symbol of the Jews’ return to their homeland and their faith in God.

Ezra is the main character in the book, and he is depicted as a leader and a reformer who is dedicated to rebuilding the temple and restoring the Jewish community in Jerusalem. He is a skilled scribe and a learned man, and he is able to persuade the Persian King Artaxerxes to allow the Jews to rebuild the temple and return to Jerusalem. Ezra is also portrayed as a strict and righteous man who is determined to enforce the laws of God and purify the Jewish community.

The book also addresses the issue of intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews, which was seen as a threat to the purity of the Jewish community. Ezra and the other leaders of the community take measures to prevent intermarriage and enforce the laws of God. The book also touches on the issue of idolatry, as some of the Jews had become accustomed to the idolatrous practices of the Babylonians during their exile. Ezra and the other leaders take steps to eradicate idolatry and restore the worship of God.

Overall, The Book of Ezra is a significant book in the Old Testament, as it tells the story of the return of the Jews to their homeland and the rebuilding of the temple. It is a story of hope and renewal, and it is a testament to the faith and determination of the Jews to rebuild their community and their relationship with God.

Who are the main characters found in the book of Ezra?

  • Ezra: Ezra was a priest and scribe who led a group of Jews from Babylon to Jerusalem in the 5th century BC. He was a leader in the rebuilding of the temple and the restoration of the Jewish faith. He was also responsible for the compilation of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah.
  • Nehemiah: Nehemiah was a Jewish leader who was sent by the Persian king Artaxerxes to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He was also responsible for the organization of the Jewish people and the restoration of the Jewish faith.
  • Artaxerxes: Artaxerxes was the Persian king who allowed Ezra and Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the city. He also provided them with resources to do so.
  • Zerubbabel: Zerubbabel was the governor of Judah who led the first group of Jews back to Jerusalem from Babylon. He was responsible for the rebuilding of the temple and the restoration of the Jewish faith.
  • Priests and Levites: The priests and Levites were responsible for the religious ceremonies and rituals of the Jewish people. They were also responsible for teaching the people the laws of God.
  • People of Judah: The people of Judah were the Jews who returned to Jerusalem from Babylon. They were responsible for the rebuilding of the city and the restoration of the Jewish faith.

What are the main locations found in the book of Ezra?

  • Jerusalem: This is the main location in the book of Ezra. It is the capital of the ancient kingdom of Judah and the site of the Temple of Solomon. It is also the place where Ezra and Nehemiah lead the Jews in rebuilding the city and the Temple.
  • Babylon: This is the city where the Jews were taken into exile by the Babylonians. It is also the place where Ezra and Nehemiah are sent to bring the Jews back to Jerusalem.
  • Susa: This is the capital of the Persian Empire and the place where Ezra and Nehemiah are sent to gather the Jews and bring them back to Jerusalem.
  • The River Euphrates: This is the river that separates Babylon from Susa. It is also the place where Ezra and Nehemiah cross over to bring the Jews back to Jerusalem.
  • The Wilderness of Judah: This is the area where the Jews wander for 40 years before they reach Jerusalem. It is also the place where Ezra and Nehemiah lead the Jews in rebuilding the city and the Temple.

What lessons should we take away from Ezra?

There are several lessons that we can take away from the Book of Ezra:

  • The importance of faith: The story of the rebuilding of the temple and the restoration of the Jewish community in Jerusalem is a testament to the faith and determination of the Jews. Despite the challenges and obstacles they faced, they persevered and relied on their faith in God to guide them.
  • The power of community: The rebuilding of the temple and the restoration of the Jewish community in Jerusalem were accomplished through the cooperation and unity of the Jewish people. This shows the importance of working together and supporting one another in achieving shared goals.
  • The need for reform and renewal: Ezra is depicted as a reformer who is dedicated to enforcing the laws of God and purifying the Jewish community. This highlights the importance of ongoing efforts to improve and reform our communities and ourselves.
  • The dangers of idolatry and intermarriage: The book addresses the issues of idolatry and intermarriage, which were seen as threats to the purity and unity of the Jewish community. This serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of straying from our values and beliefs and mixing with those who may not share them.
  • The value of education and knowledge: Ezra is portrayed as a learned man who uses his knowledge and skills as a scribe to persuade the Persian King Artaxerxes to allow the Jews to rebuild the temple. This emphasizes the importance of education and knowledge in achieving our goals and making positive change.

What are some notable verses from the book of Ezra?

  • Ezra 3:11: “And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the Lord, “For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever toward Israel.”
  • Ezra 7:10: “For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.”
  • Ezra 8:22: “For I was ashamed to ask the king for a band of soldiers and horsemen to protect us against the enemy on our way, since we had told the king, ‘The hand of our God is for good on all who seek him, and the power of his wrath is against all who forsake him.’”
  • Ezra 9:8: “But now for a brief moment favor has been shown by the Lord our God, to leave us a remnant and to give us a secure hold within his holy place, that our God may brighten our eyes and grant us a little reviving in our slavery.”
  • Ezra 10:4: “Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it.”




About James Garrison

James Garrison is a retired software developer living with his wife in San Antonio, TX. After retirement, James started the Funtime Puzzles company creating and publishing activity and puzzle books. James spent decades studying Biblical scripture and researching ancient history. When the opportunity to purchase arose he was excited to have the chance to share and spread the word of God. "It's my sincere hope that everyone that visits the site experiences the joy of God's love and blessings." - James